Abstract: This study was conducted to ascertain how improving the Tanzania-Zambia railway line may encourage efficient freight transportation and hence positively impact Zambia's economic development. A focus on the quantity of cargo moved throughout a five-year period was offered in order to comprehend the demands for railroad transportation, lessen the issues rail transportation faces, and increase rail freight transportation. Secondary and primary data were used in conjunction with the descriptive data analysis technique to estimate the volume of freight transported by the central railway. Only 45% of the entire freight was transported, according to the study's findings, which shows that there is a big demand for cargo transit on the Tanzania-Zambia railway line. It is challenging to find train engines that are technologically suitable, and the majority of railway bridges have limited capacity for carrying huge products. Additionally, it was shown that a number of factors affect train traffic. The TAZARA and Central Railway line had been able to transport 1.066 million tons of cargo over the preceding five years despite these operating challenges (2010–2014). According to the findings, it is suggested that Tanzania Zambia Railway create a plan to upgrade existing engines and purchase new ones in order to alleviate the problem by promoting freight movement. Engineers should routinely participate in training on new technologies in order to maintain standards. Tanzania Zambia Railway must also develop a strategy outlining how to deal with competition from road vehicles, including efficient marketing of its freight transport services and thorough track and bridge repairs.
Keywords: Cargo: Refers to goods that are transported from one location to another via various mediums of transportation like air, water, and land.
Freight Carriers: an individual or a company that specializes in shipping, and they directly handle your cargo
Port: a place where ships may ride secure from storms
Mitigation: provide for a system to reduce, avoid or offset the potential adverse environmental consequences of development activities.
Railroad Transportation: A long-term route with a set of rails fastened to ties and installed on the roadbed to serve as a track for vehicles or equipment pulled by locomotives or pushed by independent motors additionally: such a road and its assets are one property.
Reconstruction: Replacement of components of an existing facility to such an extent that:
Renovation: To restore to a former better state as by cleaning, repairing, or rebuilding
Respondent: a person who answers a request for information:
Title: Upgrade of Rail Infrastructure as a Solution to Zambia Economic Growth: A Case of Tanzania – Zambia Railway Line
Author: Mutale Obed
International Journal of Recent Research in Thesis and Dissertation (IJRRTD)
Vol. 3, Issue 2, July 2022 - December 2022
Page No: 95-109
Paper Publications
Website: www.paperpublications.org
Published Date: 15-August-2022
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6992448