Abstract: This study highlights on the findings of a survey study which was done in some schools within one of the sub-counties in Kenya. Evidence has been collected through a literature review, teacher questionnaires and interviews. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the existing factors that support or hinder teachers from utilizing ICTs in their classrooms despite having them. This study was guided by the theory of Technology acceptance model by Davis, Bagozzi and Warshaw, (1989).The study reviewed literature on the importance of the use of ICTs in teaching and learning. Descriptive survey is the framework that guided the study. The study area is Kericho County in Kenya. Analysis of data was done thematically to exhibit the attitudes, values and views of the teachers concerning the usefulness of ICTs in teaching and also the factors that hinder utilization ICTs. Descriptive statistics was also used to analyze data from questionnaires. The literature analyzed shows that ICTs are very important in the following areas: they make the lessons more interesting, easier, more fun for teachers and their pupils, more diverse, more motivating for the pupils and more enjoyable. Additional more personal factors were improving presentation of materials, allowing greater access to computers for personal use, giving more power to the teacher in the school, giving the teacher more prestige, making the teachers' administration more efficient and providing professional support through the Internet. The findings from this study reveals that factors hindering the utilization of this precious teaching materials includes, lack of clarity in the use of this ICTs in the curriculum, time factor, incompetence among the teachers on computer skills, overreliance on traditional methods of teaching and resistance to change.
Keywords: Information communication technology, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, pedagogy
Title: Mitigating Factors, and Factors Militating against Teacher’s Utilization of ICTs in Their Classrooms in Kenya’s Secondary Schools
Author: Dr. Langat Andrew
International Journal of Recent Research in Social Sciences and Humanities (IJRRSSH)
ISSN 2349-7831
Paper Publications