Vol 7 Issue 3 July 2020-September 2020
Dr. Vijay Kumar Yadav
Abstract: Bihar’s agricultural development in the latest 15 years between 2005-06 and 2019-20, presents a mixed picture. Agriculture growth was around 4.7 per cent, which was above the national average of 3.6 per cent and in the latest five years, its performance was even more commendable, with an average annual growth rate of 7.1 per cent. However, agriculture productivity of two of its major crops, rice and wheat, is lower than the national average, despite the relatively high private investment in yield augmenting inputs such as fertilisers, certified seeds, tube wells and farm machines. Bihar’s agriculture has diversified impressively through dairy development although productivity in milk production is lagging behind other major milk producing states, but poultry development has not taken off. In this paper, we study the composition, sources and drivers of agricultural growth in Bihar with a view to identifying the factors that explain the paradox of low agricultural productivity and high use of productivity augmenting inputs. Major difficulty that farmers in Bihar face is the lack of marketing infrastructure, resulting in their inability to reap the price incentives given by the Government of India in the form of minimum support price. Livestock development has not achieved its potential because of strategic deficiencies. In dairy, productivity has remained low because germ plasm from superior breeds has not been used. In poultry, the culture of contract farming involving large integrator companies has not yet been adopted. In the light of these findings, the study makes five principal recommendations to stimulate agricultural growth and productivity in the state, viz., improve the quality and quantity of rural power supply by strengthening transmission and distribution and obtaining separation of feeders for irrigation.
Keywords: Agriculture, Crop Production, Agriculture Road Map, Climate, Farm Management.
Title: Role of Agriculture in Bihar’s Development
Author: Dr. Vijay Kumar Yadav
ISSN 2349-7831
International Journal of Recent Research in Social Sciences and Humanities (IJRRSSH)
Paper Publications