Abstract: Sudan is one of largest countries that are planted Tabaco aseptically in western Sudan. The nomenclature in Sudan country is Toombak. This paper provides a description of the toxicological evaluation of tobacco leaves.
Tobacco use is one of the major preventable causes of premature death and disease in the world. Tabaco is one of very harmful plant to human health, They are many methods uses of tobacco, like smoking, with oral and nasal passages, etc. Tobacco pastes or powders are used in a similar manner and placed on the gums or teeth. Fine tobacco powder mixtures are usually inhaled and absorbed in the nasal passages. There is sufficient evidence that the use of smokeless tobacco causes cancer in humans. Smokeless tobacco contains carcinogens, which contribute to cancers of the oral cavity and the risk of other head and neck cancers. Smokeless tobacco use also causes a number of noncancerous oral conditions and can lead to nicotine addiction similar to that produced by cigarette smoking.
Tobacco use has been associated with a number of adverse effects on the growth, cognitive development, and behavior of the exposed child. The use of tobacco products is detrimental to oral health. Cigarette smoking is associated with increased alveolar bone loss. A level of 4-aminobiphenyl-hemoglobin adducts in smokers of blonde (flue-cured) and black (air-cured) tobacco has been found to be proportional to bladder cancer risk. And damage the hemoglobin. Tobacco use increases susceptibility to bacterial infection. And it harmful to the heart.
Tobacco contains many kinds of heavy metals .The toxicity of heavy metals is a problem for ecological, evolutionary and environmental reasons. Heavy metals such as lead and cadmium mercury, Cobalt, Zinc, Copper, chromium, Cobalt, Manganese, copper ,and Nickel. Are highly toxic pollutants as they are added in the environment through automobile exhausts. Inhibition of germination and retardation of plant growth are commonly observed due to lead toxicity. Heavy metals are naturally occurring elements that have a high atomic weight and a density at least 5 times greater than that of water. Their multiple industrial, domestic, agricultural, medical and technological applications have led to their wide distribution in the environment; raising concerns over their potential effects on human health and the environment. Their toxicity depends on several factors including the dose, route of exposure, and chemical species, as well as the age, gender, genetics, and nutritional status of exposed individuals. Because of their high degree of toxicity, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead, and mercury rank among the priority metals that are of public health significance. These metallic elements are considered systemic toxicants that are known to induce multiple organ damage, even at lower levels of exposure. They are also classified as human carcinogens (known or probable) according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and the International Agency for Research on Cancer.
Tobacco-related diseases can be attributed to the inhalation of many different toxins, including heavy metals, which have a host of detrimental health effects. The current study reports the high levels of arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), nickel (Ni), and lead (Pb) in tobacco participating in this survey the mean As, Cd, Cr, Ni, Co, Mn and Pb it very important .
These metallic elements are considered systemic toxicants that are known to induce multiple organ damage, even at lower levels of exposure. They are also classified as human carcinogens (known or probable) according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and the International Agency for Research on Cancer. This review provides an analysis of their environmental occurrence, production and use, potential for human exposure, and molecular mechanisms of toxicity, genotoxicity, and carcinogenicity.
For that reasons this research aims to illustrate the risks of tobacco use. This study aims to determine the amount of nicotine and heavy metals in tobacco from Shagra area in western Sudan, because there are many peoples used this kind of tobacco in Sudan, and to demonstrate the side effect of its content . In this research used the national leave of plant collected from the farm before fermentation and analyzed it. The results show that they are very amount of heavy metals in the sample. And the percentage of nicotine it is very high. For that the research recommends for this sample can cause dangers risks to humans who used it.
Keywords: Heavy metals, Nicotine, toxicity, Tobacoo Leaves, production and use, human exposure, carcinogenicity.
Title: Determination of Heavy Metals and Nicotine in Tabacoo Leaves Collected from Western Sudan
Author: Ard Elshifa Mohammed Elhassan
ISSN 2350-1030
International Journal of Recent Research in Physics and Chemical Sciences (IJRRPCS)
Paper Publications