Vol 3 Issue 1 April 2016-September 2016
Gaikwad Vijay Kashinath, Urmila M. Yadav
Abstract: There are many situations where human activitieshave significant effects on the environment. Ozone layerdamage is one of them. The objective of this paper is to reviewthe origin, causes, mechanisms and bio effects of ozone layerdepletion as well as the protective measures of this vanishing layer. The chlorofluorocarbon and the halons are potent ozone depletors. One of the main reasons for the widespread concernabout depletion of the ozone layer is the anticipated increase inthe amounts of ultraviolet radiation received at the surface ofthe earth and the effect of this on human health and on the environment. The prospects of ozone recovery remain uncertain. In the absence of other changes, stratospheric ozoneabundances should rise in the future as the halogen loading fallsin response to regulation. However, the future behaviour ofozone will also be affected by the changing atmospheric abundances of methane, nitrous oxide, water vapour, sulphateaerosol, and changing climate.
Keywords: Ozone, Ozone Depletion, Chloroflourocarbons (CFCs), Ultra Violet (UV) Radiations, Bio-Effects.
Title: Ozone Layer: The Shield in the Sky
Author: Urmila M Yadav,Vijay KashinathGaikwad
ISSN 2350-1030
International Journal of Recent Research in Physics and Chemical Sciences (IJRRPCS)
Paper Publications