Vol 7 Issue 1 January 2020-March 2020
Efrem Asfaw, Beza Erko, Megdalawit Temasgen, Kumelachew Achamyelh
Abstract:Fruit productions, particularly, sub-tropical fruits have been playing a significant role in the local economy as a means of earning livelihoods for millions of farmers, creating jobs and generating foreign currency in Ethiopia. Jimma zone which is found in Southwest of Ethiopia is potential in fruits production; mainly avocado and mango are the dominant sub-tropical fruits in the zone. Jimma Agricultural Research Center with collaboration of some governmental and non-governmental organizations has popularized improved fruit technologies through different channels in the zone. However, currently, farmers are not benefited and production and productivity of the fruits are being decreasing from time to time and affecting national economy beyond the welfare of the producing community. This study was therefore attempted to assess the production and, marketing constraints of major tropical fruit such as avocado and mango in the zone. Multi stage sampling method and quantitative and qualitative data type has been employed for data collection. Accordingly, data was collected from 151 randomly selected avocado and mango producing households in the zone from three districts namely Sokoru, Gomma and Mana. Focus Group Discussion and Key Informant Interview were made to organize qualitative data type. The result showed that disease, insect pests, lack of improved fruit varieties, lack of extension services, and abortion of fruits due to early and late raining were the core production and productivity constraints of avocado and mango in Jimma zone. Besides, the market was dominated by informal market system such as producers sells to unlicensed brokers, traders or collectors and lack of institutional fruit market system such as cooperatives and unions. The policy measures derived from the results includes: generation of disease and insect tolerant varieties of avocado and mango, strengthening extension services, combating informal traders and licensing as well as empowering formal marketing system such as farmer’s primary cooperatives.
Keywords:Jimma Zone, Sub-tropical fruits, Production and marketing, informal trades, disease and insect pests.
Title:Production and Marketing Constraints of Major Sub-Tropical Fruits in Jimma Zone, South West Ethiopia
Author: Efrem Asfaw, Beza Erko, Megdalawit Temasgen, Kumelachew Achamyelh
ISSN 2350-1049
International Journal of Recent Research in Interdisciplinary Sciences (IJRRIS)
Paper Publications