Vol 4 Issue 1 January 2017-March 2017
Bakogiannis Konstantinos, Cambourakis George
Abstract: For modern science information is not simply considered as just what we do not know. From entanglement and quantum mechanics to black holes it plays a fundamental role. It is a physical quantity which uses matter for its embodiment and energy for its communication. The concept of information can be used to ‘decode the reality’, to explain the formation and action of entities, from molecules to galaxies. Entities exist as long as they have boundaries. Which are the informational, energetic and material boundaries of music entities? How modern science can describe the unfolding of musical events? Is it valid to talk about fields in music and which are the attractive and repulsive forces? Is the distinction of musical past, present and future a convincing ‘illusion’, as it is for physicists? And mainly, which is the role of information while creating music structures?
Keywords :Entropy, Information, Music Analysis, Music Entity, Music Structure.
Title: Information Physics: Towards A New Conception of ‘Musical Reality
Author: Bakogiannis Konstantinos, Cambourakis George
ISSN 2350-1049
International Journal of Recent Research in Interdisciplinary Sciences (IJRRIS)
Paper Publications