Vol 3 Issue 4 October 2016-December 2016
Sohorab Hossain, Subimal Roy Burman, Sourish Sanyal, Amaranth Sanyal, Raju Basak
Abstract: Synchronous generators under sudden loss of excitation behave as an induction generator, supplying active power to the system and absorbing reactive power from the system. In general the armature current exceeds its rated value. Hence, the reference power is reduced in steps to keep the armature currents within limits. The voltage profile around the faulty machine becomes unacceptably poor and in addition there is exchange of pulsating power with the system. Hence, the general practice is to switch off the machine by the action of an offset type MHO-relay. Recently, the capacitive VAR-generation of a H.T. system has gone up due to addition of EHV/SHV lines, such that there is no or little problem in supplying the faulty machine with its required VAR. Also, the magnetizing current drawn by modern turbo generators has reduced much due to the use of smaller air-gaps for economic design of the rotor. The combined effect has been assessed, and it has been found that it is permissible to run the machine for a relatively long duration under LOE without staking on its health. It may be allowed to run the machine for 30-60 minutes under LOE, within which time the fault may be detected and removed and the machine resynchronized. However, this is not possible for hydro-generators drawing large magnetizing currents.
Keywords: Synchronous generator, Governor Action, Newton-Raphson method, Excitation system, Loss of excitation, Mho-relay.
Title: Performance Evaluation of Synchronous Generator under Sudden Loss of Excitation
Author: Sohorab Hossain, Subimal Roy Burman, Sourish Sanyal, Amaranth Sanyal, Raju Basak
International Journal of Recent Research in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IJRREEE)
ISSN 2349-7815
Paper Publications