Vol 1 Issue 3 October 2014-December 2014
Pragati Priya, L S Titare
Abstract: In a situation, where there is a shortage of power generation or the power stations are operating with a very low reserve margin, as is typically the current position in INDIA, there is a need to operate distribution network at the highest possible efficiency by utilizing network power loss reduction techniques. Such techniques are especially important when contingencies occur as they tend to increase loss, reduce efficiencies and cause power supplies to such networks to increase. This increase can cause the network or multiples of such networks to be load shed, as the power stations do not have the reserve margins to meet this increased demand. An efficiency schedule has been developed for a large ring network that reduces the loss so that its input power can be decreased. In this way, the available power existing due to the contingency can be more evenly spread, and the number of ring main networks to be load shed could be reduced. From the obtained results, the developed efficiency schedule for a large ring main network under contingency conditions was shown to be effective. The efficiency schedule is thus recommended for application in this important field as it will help to prevent load shedding, especially in the situation where power stations are operating with low reserve margins.
Keywords: Load flow, energy efficiency, ring main system, overall losses, and load shedding.
Title: Assessment of Energy Efficiency of a Large Interconnected Distribution System with Voltage Security Consideration
Author: Pragati Priya, L S Titare
International Journal of Recent Research in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IJRREEE)
Paper Publications