Vol 8 Issue 1 January 2021-March 2021
Shefali Jain, Dr. Ruchi Pandey, Mr. Anand Goswami
Abstract: In this research paper we show that a carbon electrode can be replaced by a copper & zinc electrode in a plant microbial fuel cell PMFC with a new record power output. Some pair of electrodes was successfully integrated into the soil with rice paddy plants operated for 90 days. Paddy plants growth continued and the power density increased reaching a maximum power output as per plant growth area (PGA).The 90 days record peak output power density was 88.73 mW/m2& 41.26 mW/m2.These new records were reached due to the higher light intensity, temperature & solar radiation which are beneficial external parameters to the enhancement of voltage generation via Cu-Zn electrode.This resulted in a 2.54 V & 0.98 V higher voltages with the two different experiments by changing the position of electrodes. Also found that substrate availability in the anode eventual limits the current generation. This work is keen for PMFC applicability shows that could be a completely renewable, sustainable & affordable with an improved power output.
Keywords: PMFC, Electrode Material, Rice Paddy Plants (Oryza Sativa),Photosynthesis, Microorganisms, Rhizosphere, Root Excudates,Soil pH, C/N ratio, Plant Growth Plant (PGA).
Title: Analytical Estimation of plant power generation by PMFC (Performance, Limitations & Scope)
Author: Shefali Jain, Dr. Ruchi Pandey, Mr. Anand Goswami
ISSN 2349-7815
International Journal of Recent Research in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IJRREEE)
Paper Publications