Vol 11 Issue 2 October 2024-March 2025
Sarang Dure, Alfiya Sayyad, Shraddha Kapse, Prof. S.S.Mane, Prof. S.N.Gaikwad, Prof. V.S.Gangane
Abstract: Power requirement is a significant challenge for our country. Now a days, with the reduction in conventional energy resources of energy the usage of alternative energy options is in a rise. To meet this huge energy demand one of the important sources that can be used is the solar power. As this solar energy is being used in many other places like pumping water from the well, it will also prove helpful to the farmer by implementing it in agriculture sector. By introducing solar energy, the environmental contamination due to the usage of diesel and petrol is controlled. Hence in agricultural sector solar energy can be used for applications of fertilizers and pest repellents, with the help of Solar sprayers. In this paper we have discussed that instead of using fossil fuels like fossil fuels, hydrocarbons fuels, conventional fuels, etc., for spraying fertilizers solar-based spraying machine is used, where the later proves to be more effective than the traditional methods.
Keywords: Solar powered fertilizer Sprayer; Fossil Fuel; Solar Energy; Energy saver.
Title: Solar Powered Fertilizer Sprayer Machine for Small Scale Farmers
Author: Sarang Dure, Alfiya Sayyad, Shraddha Kapse, Prof. S.S.Mane, Prof. S.N.Gaikwad, Prof. V.S.Gangane
International Journal of Recent Research in Civil and Mechanical Engineering (IJRRCME)
ISSN 2393-8471
Vol. 11, Issue 2, October 2024 - March 2025
Page No: 9-17
Paper Publications
Website: www.paperpublications.org
Published date: 16-December-2024