Vol 5 Issue 4 October 2018-December 2018
Sabila, Godfrey, Dr. Elizabeth, N. Makokha, Prof.Gregory, S.Namusonge
Abstract:This project examined effects of strategic partnership on sustainability of community based projects in Trans Nzoia County. Community based projects have in the past enjoyed heavy funding from international aid agencies, private and public sector donors and resources from corporate social responsibilities. Most projects have however not been sustainable beyond the donor funding period. They instead increasingly faced with decreasing donor funding, donor fatigue and general concern by civil society organizations and other concerned stakeholders to invest in sustainable community based projects. To qualify for funding, organizations are required to demonstrate sustainability of community based projects a prerequisite to receiving funding for community based project. Elements and approaches and that constitute sustainable community based project are however not readily available or demonstrated to contribute to knowledge in this, project was guided by the following research objectives: To determine the effect of funding on community based projects sustainability; to evaluate the effect of stakeholder involvement on community based project sustainability; to examine the effect of training on community based project sustainability and to identify the effect of subsidies on community based projects sustainability in Trans Nzoia County. The project adopted Jabareen theoretical framework of sustainable development and the strategic partnerships Pluralistic approach coined by Blanco, that draws its assumptions from different disciplines and theoretical frameworks of strategic partnerships such as the Philosophy of Language, Pragmatics, Positioning Theory, the English School of International Relations and Social Constructivism. Theory asserts that strategic partnership is a cooperation of various actors that are willing to pull synergies, share common values in order to reach common goals. The project utilized stratified sampling technique to identify respondents into their respective strata or departments. Thereafter, each stratum was subjected to simple random sampling that got the respective sample frame who participated in the study. A sample of 150 respondents was randomly selected; made up of top, middle and lower level employees from 50 civil society organizations running community based projects in Trans Nzoia County. The project used structured questionnaires with closed ended questions due to its ease in administration, analysis and time constraints; data processing and analysis involved several stages that included data clean-up and explanation. Data clean-up involved editing, coding, and tabulation in order to detect any anomalies in the responses and assign specific numerical values to the responses for further analysis. The project findings revealed that funding, stakeholder involvement, training and subsidies play significant role on sustainability of community based projects in Trans Nzoia County. That civil society organization, national and county governments departments involved in community based projects recognize that strategic partnerships play an important role in community based projects sustainability. This project examined effects of funding, stakeholders’ involvement, training and subsidies on sustainability of community based projects in Trans Nzoia County.
Keywords:Community based project, Funding, Stakeholder involvement, training and Subsidies.
Author:Sabila ,Godfrey, Dr. Elizabeth, N. Makokha, Prof.Gregory, S.Namusonge
ISSN 2349-7807
International Journal of Recent Research in Commerce Economics and Management (IJRRCEM)
Paper Publications